Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Farewell my LOVE.....

I can’t believe the day actually arrived & Marc has sailed off into the sunset....literally J  & i have no way of hearing from him until I’m on the ship – if I’m lucky or on St Helena. It really feels quite bazaar feeling. I mean – we’ve always travelled 7 when Mia came a long & stayed at home more & he would go without me....he’s been to the arctic circle & Iceland & yet he’s never felt so far away.........

My sailor & I :-) About 2 hours before the start.

I just went to check out the link - to track the boats...soooo cool. I can see where he is which I love! Just wish I could talk to him....

I really am quite nackered but I just wanted to do a quick blog on today. I'll add the rest 2morrow!

Living Life Now

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