Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well it finally happened..... After months & months of planning the 1st December 2010 actually arrived & at 12noon the fleet of 17 vessels began their 1700mile journey to the most remote piece of land in the world.

The day actually started out much like any other.... Mia was already in bed with us :-) She normally comes through at about 5am & comes & cuddles.... by 6:30am she was up & about since it "is light outside mommy!" and I can't argue with that.......... Marc & I said our good byes while Mia watched a little telly & then as most mornings she really didn't really wanna get dressed for school & when it was time to say good bye to daddy she was a littler more interested in her chocolate biscuit than the fact that daddy was going to sea for at least 9 days........ Kids.... She's just to little to understand whats really going on. But Marc got his chocolate covered kiss & hug & I rushed Mia to school.

By the time i got back the cameraman were gathering at our place & Marc briefed them on the days proceedings.We got to the yacht club at about 8:40am & it was already a hive of activity. Sailors with their families walking up & down getting their final preparations sorted out.

My LOVE and I just before the ceremony.....
Billy & Spook's family all gathered round to say there good byes & i was there spending every last moment with my love....

Everyone standing around watching the team get ready...
Of course just to prove I was also there:

The whole thing was quite surreal....

The ceremony was really nice & Reverend Peter Storey did the blessing of the fleet which I thought was really beautiful.

Blessing of the Fleet
The team was as ready as they'd ever be.......

The official team pic at the ceremony.

Because we were working as well we did our goodbyes at home so we tried not make a big deal about it all but it was pretty emotional....  So before we knew it they were heading out to get ready for the start...
The next time they dock will be in St Helena...

And this was when I started to feel pretty lonely..... I had a bout 15 minutes before I boarded a friends boat & sailed out into the Bay to watch the start & I really felt quite lost...and very sad.

And they're off! Our Dianne had a awesome start & just flew threw the short course they had to do...

I'm so proud of him, of them all! They were the 1st out past the harbour wall & were heading down to Cape Point miles ahead of the rest of the fleet!

A yacht with it's spinnaker up really is a thing of beauty....

My last view of my love..... was quite a sad one but I knew he was loving every minute!

Farewell my safe. xxxxxxxx
It turns out I did get to see them one more time.... I drove up to Cape Point national park & saw them on the Atlantic side of the Cape just after they rounded the Cape..... Was so lovely to see! 

What a day! I read his blog this afternoon & after a challenging night (their words) the crew are still very positive & in good spirits! There has been some sea sickness but I guess that;s part of it sometimes.... shame man.

Well I have 2 sleepies left & need about 20 so I'm gonna go! Chat soon!

Living life now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, it must have been a very emotional event, feeling sad for him leaving, and proud that they were in the lead!
