Friday, November 19, 2010

Life in Fast Forward....

It really feels like someone has hit the fast fwd button on my life at the moment....that days are blurring into one & so much has happened!

We are really trying to get Mia excited, so I've made her a chart with a picture of the ship on it.... I think she understands that we're going on one but she might also think it's just another of Daddy's adventure bed time stories....

The count down to going on the BEEEG SHIP!! and Daddy is on the Lickle one :-)

But excitiement is brewing! The swimming lessons are going very well! She's only had 3 but we've made such progress! I think the pool on the boat is going to be SUCH FUN!

Lesson 1:

Off to a slow start...Teacher Roxy convinces Mia just atleast have a look at the toys...

By the end of the lesson Mia is sitting on the 1st step & loving it!

By Lesson 3 Mia just can't get enough!


Ready to jump....

Kick & Splash!

So cute!

Well if everything goes as well as the swimming lessons I'm really looking forward to this trip! :-)


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