Monday, June 20, 2011


There a lots of things wrong with Australia today,

And I would like to have something to say, if I may

You know for sure the problem with youth,

Untidy, ill mannered, untamed and uncouth,

It's the fact that the home life is often unstable,

And it's all for the lack of a kitchen table.

Remember how once we would sit down as one,

And would say grace when the carving was done.

Our own serviettes from our own special rings.

The elders would tell us of custom and fable,

When we all sat around our kitchen table.

They are now building mansions with four car garages,

Our working lives mortgaged to interests and charges

There’s less time at home for the tea to be made,

And it is seldom today that the table is laid.

There's room after room under roof-peak and gable,

But there's not enough room for a kitchen table.

At the weekends the parents are chauffeurs unpaid.

No wonder they are tired and their tempers frayed

As they ferry their broods to arenas of sport,

Where the culture of winning is intensively taught.

And there's more on the telly, both free and by cable,

So there's no time to talk around the kitchen table.

Karl Marx called religion the drug of the people,

But there's scant regard now for the church or the steeple.

Just giv’em more sport and don’t let them think,

And keep them away from the kitchen sink.

We'll give more sport and the Culture of Babel,

The throw-away culture that threw out the table.

With ubiquitous coke and their baseball caps,

There’ll soon be no fellers, no blokes, no chaps.

When they all dress the same then it's little surprise.

That the birds swear as much and as foul as the guys.

So we grandparents must, just as long as we're able.

Keep our culture alive round the kitchen table

F. W. Brazier Poem

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ending my day on a.....WHY

Over the last 3 years, on my journey of motherhood I have survived many phases...

the 2 hour feed, the butterscotch bum ;-/, the eating everything in sight, the eating nothing, not sleeping, sleeping well, being sick (1st year of school), crawling, walking, falling ;-), being adorable, tantrums, cutest of get my point..but our current phase...well...

I have met charma in the flesh & her name is Mia Genevieve Bow, my 3 year old daughter....because this little mouth on legs is me...and not even when I was little & I would say good night to my mom over & over again until she said it back....teehee - no no I'm afraid this is me... now - I hear myself echo back with every word...every sentence that isn't completed because she has sooooo much to say...every...WHY :-)

I love my daughter more than anything in this world but boy oh boy this new 'phase' which I'm afraid she might NEVER out grow is absolutely exhausting... You think I'm exaggerating don’t you? :-)...ok bed time last night went like this:

Mommy "Once upon a time, there were 3 bears..."

Mia "Mommy, why do the bears wear clothes"

Mommy "Because they’re special bears...”

Mia “But why...   tell me...”

Mommy “Because they need the clothes to keep warm.”

Mia “Oh”

Mommy “One morning the 3 bear’s decided to go for a little walk while their porridge cooled down...”

Mia “But why is it hot..”

Mommy “Because the mommy bear had to cook the porridge on the stove – which is hot”

Mia “oh...and if they eat is they’ll burn their mouths hey?!”

Mommy “Exactly.. there was someone else walking in the woods that day...”

Mia “Why is her hair yellow mommy?”

Mommy “Mia, mommy’s trying to tell you a story honey just try & relax & listen to it... her hair is yellow because her mommy’s hair was”

Mia “Where’s her mommy?’

Mommy “At work....anyway...Goldilocks found the cottage but no one was home she went inside to wait....”

Mia “Is she going to eat the porridge mommy?”

AND THAT WAS PAGE 1 OF 45....:-)

So here we are....phase WHY in full swing & I really am trying to listen to her & to answer things with as much detail as possible...My hubby& I love that she has such a thirst for knowledge...even if it is “why is her hair yellow?” at this stage but some days you catch yourself wanting to say “Because I told you so...” and you stop moments before the words leave your mouth thinking...’How did my mother get through it ;-) Probably the same way we are...but without BLOGS ;-)

Ai jai jai, my little Mia Binkie Bow...Light of my life ;-) Little Miss Why ;-)

Nighty night all...I have bedtime to get to...wish me luck ;-)

Living life why at a time ;-)
